1. The overview of “Rafael Holdings”
2. The detailed data of “Rafael Holdings”
3. The map of “Rafael Holdings”
4. The stock weekly chart of “Rafael Holdings”
5. The stock weekly trading radar of “Rafael Holdings”
* Last update: the same as the published date
The overview of “Rafael Holdings”
“Rafael Holdings, Inc.” is a company based in Newark, New Jersey in the U.S. that operates the businesses in two segments; Real estate and Pharmaceutical. In the real estate business, the company mainly has operations in relation to commercial real estate, and they lease their own holding facilities such as office buildings and public garages in New Jersey and Jerusalem. Whereas, in the pharmaceutical business, the company are focused on development of novel cancer therapies, further more they invest to “Rafael Pharmaceuticals, Inc.” and “LipoMedix Pharmaceuticals Ltd”, in clinical stage pharmaceutical companies.
By the way, the company is not a state-owned enterprise “Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd” that is famous military and defense suppliers in defense industry of Israel.
The detailed data of “Rafael Holdings”
●Established date: -
●Location: 52 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102
●Stock Exchange: NYSE(RFL)
●Listing date: -
●Business details: Pharmaceutical, Real estate Leasing(Health care, Biotechnlogy)
●Official website: